Monday, November 16, 2009

De Stad Cup - it was muddy.

Epic? or just lots of rain and mud? I have to admit I'm a bit of a fair weather cyclist. I'll ride when it's cold, or ride in the rain, but you have to be really motivated to race in the worst of conditions.

Last race of the DeStad series and all the good weather we've had for every cross race previous caught up to us. Rained all day, temps hovering around 40, course was apparently decent for first couple of races but by the end of the day for the 3 race it was destroyed. In conditions like that you're either liking it and doing well or not having it. It was fun the first lap but the novelty quickly wore off. Once you get mud in your eyes and beat up by your bike from sliding around on course you're not racing and just going through the least this is what happened to me. I'd like to say I put forth a decent effort but it wasn't until last lap that I attempted to not let anyone else pass me. For the work that is required after in cleaning up (bike, clothes, yourself) it could possibly not have been worth it. Finished 16th out of 23.

Teammate Dan O. had a completely different frame of mind. After winning the KS Cat 4 cross champs last year, he killed it yesterday and won the KS Cat 3 cross title (finished 2nd behind a MO racer). Following in Dan's footsteps was Colavita/Parisi racer Andy Wiens winning the Cat 4 cross title! Two Colavita racers winning KS cross titles. Add to that our team's MO cat 4 road race title, KS cat 3 road race 2nd place, and multiple other road race and crit victories and podiums.

Thanks to all those that help put on the series. It has to be a thankless job sometimes but everything was amazing and you really can't ask for more regarding cross racing in KC.

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